Black Pepper - Powder - Herbs & Spices

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Black Pepper - Powder - Herbs & Spices

Herbs & Spices

Black Pepper - Powder
We offer quality Black Pepper that is a commonly used spice all across the world. It has been created by processing high quality yield of peppercorns and has a stimulating aroma. This is widely used in food preparations and is highly regarded for its medicinal properties. It aids the digestive system and combats common cold very effectively. Black pepper has a distinct and undeniable earthiness flavour that is woody, piney and sharp all at the same time. It has a unique pungent taste as well. There is black and white pepper. While the former is made out of green berries, the latter is allowed to ripen fully. Though white pepper retains the full pungency of black pepper, it tastes different due to partial loss of aroma. Black pepper is used in South Indian delicacies like Pongal, dosa, kootu, soups, sandwiches, cheese spreads, etc. while because of its colour, white pepper is used in white sauces, pasta, salads, seafood dishes, etc. Pepper aid digestion and helps cure common cough, cold and respiratory disorders and heart diseases.
Rs 75
Weight: 50

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